Antonio Laguna, Salvador Conejero y Joaquín García-Álvarez, Premios GEQO 2016
Una vez finalizado el procedimiento establecido en el Reglamento de Premios del GEQO, los galardonados en la edición de este año 2016 son:
Medalla de Oro del GEQO: Prof. Antonio Laguna Castrillo
Premio GEQO a la Excelencia Investigadora: Dr. Salvador Conejero Iglesias
Premio GEQO a Jóvenes Investigadores: Dr. Joaquín García-Álvarez
Los Premios se entregaron durante la XXXIV Reunión del Grupo en Girona

Prof. Antonio Laguna Castrillo
Prof. Antonio Laguna was born in Huesca, Spain, in 1948 and actually he is Emeritus Professor at the University of Zaragoza. He received the Chemistry degree (summa cum laude) in 1970 and the Ph.D. degree, under the supervision of Prof. Rafael Usón, in 1973. He made a post-doctoral stay at the University of Bristol as Research Associate with Prof. F. Gordon A. Stone during the period 1974-75. From 1975 to 1986 A. Laguna has been a Lecturer and from 1986 to 2011 Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Zaragoza. He has been Chair of the Department in several occasions. He is mainly interested in the study of the gold and silver chemistry: synthesis of mono- and poly-nuclear compounds, structural and theoretical characterization of homo- and hetero-metallic interactions, luminescent and biological properties. He is co-author of 2 patents and 438 research papers, including 38 articles in Organometallics, more than 35 invited contributions, and 27 full reviews (including 14 book chapters). He has presented 275 scientific communications at national or international symposia, including 25 invited lectures, and 7 times Member of the Advisory Committees (H index of 51, Web of Science, June 2016) Some relevant articles are: V. Fernández-Moreira, J. Cámara, E:S. Smirnova, I.O. Koshevoy, A. Laguna, S.P. Tunik, M.C. Blanco, and M.C. Gimeno. Tuning the Energy Emission from Violet to Yellow with Bidentate Phosphine Gold(III) Complexes. Organometallics, 35, 1141-1150 (2016) C. Silvestru and A. Laguna. The Chemistry of gold-metal Bonds. ‘The Chemistry of Organogold Compounds’ (Ed. S. Patai, Z. Rappoport, J.F. Liebman and I. Marek). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. Chapter 10, 409-526 (2014) Editor of the book ‘Modern Supramolecular Gold Chemistry. Gold-Metal Interactionsand Applications’. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. 2008 M. C. Gimeno and A. Laguna. Silver and Gold. ‘Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II’. (J.A. MacCleverty, T.J. Meyer, Eds). 6, 911-1145. Elsevier Pergamon. New York. 2003 M.C. Gimeno and A. Laguna. Three- and four-coordinate gold(I) complexes. Chem. Rew., 97, 511-522 (1997) Prof. Laguna has been invited to give some lectures at Spanish or International Universities of Europe, America or Asia. He has been supervisor of 29 Ph.D Thesis at the Universities of Zaragoza, La Rioja (Spain) and at “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca (Romania). He is (or has been) member of the Editorial Board of Gold Bulletin, Current Inorganic Chemistry, The Open Chemistry Journal, Inorganics, ISRN Biochemistry, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Seria Chemia and Naturaleza Aragonesa.
Dr. Salvador Conejero Iglesias
Dr. Salvador Conejero was born in Gijón (Spain) in 1973. He studied chemistry at the University of Oviedo (Spain), where he was awarded his PhD in 2001 (supervised by Profs. José Gimeno and Mª Pilar Gamasa). From 2002-2005 he was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California-Riverside (USA) with Prof. Guy Bertrand. Soon after (2005) he was awarded with a Ramón y Cajal contract at the University of Seville-Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas (CSIC) in the group of Prof. Ernesto Carmona. In 2007 he was made Tenured Scientist at the Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas where he is currently developing his research in the field of organometallic chemistry and catalysis, in CH, B-H and Si-H activation and functionalization processes, particularly by highly electrophilic platinum complexes. In 2007 he received the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) Young Investigator Award. Number of articles in OM: 10. The most recent one (and probably I like the most, is): Orestes Rivada-Wheelaghan, Marta Roselló-Merino, Josefina Díez, Celia Maya, Joaquín López-Serrano, Salvador Conejero,“Formation of C-X Bonds Through Stable Low-electron Count Cationic Pt(IV)- Alkyl Complexes Stabilized by N-heterocyclic Carbenes”, Organometallics 2014, 33, 5944-5947.

Dr. Joaquín García Álvarez
Dr. Joaquín García Álvarez (Oviedo 1978), studied chemistry at the University of Oviedo and received his PhD degree in 2005 under the supervision of Prof. J. Gimeno and Dr. V. Cadierno studying the coordination of iminophosphorane ligands in arene-Ru(II) fragments. Then, he joined the group of Prof. R. E. Mulvey at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK) working in the field of main group chemistry. He returned to the University of Oviedo in 2008 where he is currently a «Ramón y Cajal» postdoctoral researcher. The current focus of his research are: i) the application of transition metal complexes in homogeneous catalysis using environmentally friendly solvents (water, glycerol and Deep Eutectic Solvents(DESs)) as reaction media; ii) the study of synthetic organic reactions mediated by highly-polarized organometallic compounds (RLi, RMgX) in DESs; and iii) the development of new concurrent one-pot tandem chemo-enzymatic processes in water. He is co-author of 48 publications (among them 8 Organometallics) and eight book chapters in the field of Organometallic Chemistry, Homogeneous Catalysis and Green Chemistry.